Wednesday, March 07, 2007


My best buddy passed away today in my arms suddenly. 11 1/2. I don't know why....and no reason would matter anyway.

Such an awesome dog, awesome personality..such a pleasure to have him and share his life.


  1. buster was awesome - a great dog. I'll miss Babushka.

  2. i'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. i'm an animal person too. it never ceases to amaze me how a dog can love you so unconditionally, and how we love them back twice as much. i don't know what else to say except that i'll be thinking of you and buddy. . .

  3. Mike,

    It's unbelievable. I love Buster like my own dog. He was a great companion and I'm so sorry for your loss. Let me know if you need anything.

    P.S. I wrote a little blurb myself here.

  4. I am saddened by your loss, Mike. Terrible, terrible news.

  5. Mike, I'm sorry. I know losing a friend like this is hard.

  6. I just left a message at myspace then remembered to come here....
    I'm so sorry he's gone. He was such a good dog. I can't believe this has happened. It was just a day or two ago that I was looking at the pics I shot of your place last summer and in that bunch there is this one of him seen through your kitchen window as he's waiting to come back in. It's kind of dreamy and soft-looking. Let me know if you want a print of it. Right now it's just in neg form and on a contact sheet.
    Again, I am so sorry you have lost your good buddy.

  7. I'm so sorry about your loss, Mike. Great dogs like Buster always stay with us. Ours have been gone for years and I still think of them all the time. I guess we can only be glad to have had that precious time.

  8. Mike,

    I recently suffered the loss of a pet myself. It's a hard thing to have to endure.

  9. Thanks everyone for the kind words of condolence on the passing of my buddy.

    It was really crushing the first few days, but I feel a bit better today. I am the most sorry for Shazam my other 12 year-old Queensland healer. She and Buster were together for life. I got Shazam first and Buster maybe 2 months later, maybe less. She's a bit lost and depressed, so I hope in a few weeks she will recover and be her old self again.

    Nobody loves you like your dog, and he was a great dog. I hope one day,to be able to play frisbee again with him in the next realm.

  10. That is a real downer, man. Very sorry about your loss.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. That's a great picture of him with his frisbee!

  13. Hey Mr. Zomdish, Sorry to hear that, your dog looked like a pretty happy kinda pal.

    take care dude.

    your pal

