Thursday, March 15, 2007


Here I am uploading some pencils from the issue of Superman I just penciled which was inked by my buddy Bret Blevins. It hit the comic racks this week. This was a one shot story featuring the Prankster and was done in a huge rush because the book was behind schedule. I was working at maximum pencil vilocity, doing up to 3 fully penciled pages a day and then FTP'ing them the Blev as the deadline got closer. Then he'd print them out in blue, on DC board and ink. I was literally penciling the next page as Bret was inking the prevoius page. As soon as he was done he'd FTP them to DC.

I'll post some more pencils later on as well as some inks. Things are better here this week, now I'm working on X-9. I still feel sad about Buster and really miss him, the house is really a lot more quite without his energy around and Shazam, my other pup is really sad and down. I hope she feels better soon. Thanks for all the kind words about Buster.


  1. Ahhh. Life in the comic trenches!

    Despite the mad rush, the pages look really tight! Well done, sir!

  2. Mike, nice work on the drawings, top quality as always

  3. Great work, especially considering the short notice! The comic book itself was also a hoot, a very enjoyable issue with a very fun star. I liked the character work you did for Prankster, and I think he really had a lot of personality shining through.
