Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Figure Drawing Tuesday...again

The semster is quickly coming to a close now and my figure drawing class at PADFA has only 2 classes left and my DCAD classes have 4 weeks left. It seems that the semesters just blew by, probably because I've been so darn busy with work on top of everything else. I will miss the CE class at Pafa. We have a good mix of students, all ages from highschool to seniors and I think that helps quite a bit. Fred kaplan is also a good teacher and has hlped me quite a bit to try and speak with a different approach in my drawings. I'm not excatly happy with them, but art is a process and I realize i will have to maybe go through an ugly or uncomfortable stage in my art as I leave the shores of my old approach and commercial work for the yet to be discoverd destinations of what my art will be. Each drawing is a bit of a journey and as such is a new possibility. Sometimes I feel I am not warmed up, fuzzy or unfocused and I am impatient with myself and ant a big breakthrough, but that can't happen in only 3 hours a week.

I reallllly can't wait to be in school in the fall and pursue this I hope, full time for a few years. Below are a few quick one minute or less warm-ups and a longer pose which isn't nearly finished. I still like my warm-ups better than the longer poses. There was a lot of complex lighting going on in this drawing. I even resorted to actually blocking it in with my glasses off to just get the big tonal shapes and avoid getting stuck with details.

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