Saturday, April 07, 2007

FIRST FRIDAY: Pafa CE Show and Delaware Women's Conference

Yesterday was First Friday so it was the usual rush of gallery openings and shows including the Spring CE show at Pafa which I had entered one of my still lifes, a painting of the two apples I posted on my blog a while back.

I have to say it was quite a show, really packed, there were over a hundred pieces hun in the gallery and the show was very well attended and included everything from oil paintings, life drawings to sculpture refelcting all of various CE classes the school offers. After a quick lunch with my pal Chuck at the Morning Glory Diner in south Philly we hustled over to the show.

Here is a picture of me with the teacher of my CE anatomy class Fred Kaplan, who also happens to be a neighbor of mine. Fred looks like he's about to give me the Thumbs down---what gives?

Here is my entry into the show.

After we hung around and schmoozed for a while Echo and i headed out to the Delaware Art Museum ( home of many howard Pyle paintings) to see our pal Kelly Wrage's photos in the Delaware Women's Conference exhibition at the museum. The museum has recently undergone a multi-million dollar rebuild. Among the women artists in the show were many from DCAD, including Kelly and Katherine Drabkin, the assistant dean and head of the painting dept. there was more wine and cheese to be had, but I was still full from the diner.

Kelly's pictures on display, they are really great, sometimes they remind me of the Quay Brothers work, like they should be in some kind of haunted video.

Afterwards we hit the Olive Garden and let';s say about 45 minutes after we ate it hit me back.....The Tour of Italy wasn't a good trip this time, but dispite that and the chilly weather I had a great First Friday.


  1. SSSsniffff... I can smell the estrogen pushing the ball odor out of the room. How can you live without comic book shoe gazing mouth breathers? For some reason you remind me of Pen Gillette in that photo.

  2. Hahaha, more than one person has said that. F the babymen, I could give a dam about Wolverine and his spandex legion.

    One day I may leave the walled city never to return.

  3. hahaha! Wray's comments cracked me up!! Sorry I haven't had the chance to get over here until now. I've been online several times since the show but haven't had more than a minute or two to do emails. Thank you guys so much for coming in to support me that night--you can't know how much that means. I can't wait until Echo and I have the time to hang out and do the girly things again!! Sorry we didn't have the chance to hang tonight. It seems that if you and your friends don't have your whole First Fri carefully planned out in advance, you're going to have problems!
