Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thing Vs Hulk Commission

Just finished up this commission I've had here in the studio for a bit. It's the classic Marvel battle of the Hulk vs The Thing. The guy who commissioned it wanted the classic 60's versions of the characters, which is fine by me as they are the really the ONLY version of the characters I like anyway. The Frankenstien-like version of the Hulk with the ripped shirt is a lot more fun to draw. I had my Kirby Collectors out to brush up on Kirby's version of the Thing who's a lot smaller than the Hulk.

Ok, enough geek talk. This was inked all with a No. 4 Raphael Kolinsky brush.


  1. Great work! full of energy and very dynamic! enjoying your Blog...

  2. Wow. Just wow. Excellent brushwork. Wish I could coax some lines outta my brush like that.

  3. That is one helluva great drawing! Great strokes on teh masonry and fantastic brushwork!

  4. i'd buy a comic with that cover on it.

  5. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Pretty neat. I'm a huge Thing vs. Hulk fan and was lucky enough to get my favorite artist to do a commission of them battling it out. If you're curious:

    Well done.

  6. Anonymous1:12 PM

    This combat could be considerate like the best of the last century. I support The thing because as Propecia Pfizer said "Hulk is not more than a jerk green monster", and honestly I think The Thing is so intelligent.
