Monday, September 24, 2007

Two Apples A Day

I worked on this week's homework for Doug Martenson's class today, another still life; this time it's red apples on a green imprimatura using the same limited palette of quidnacrome red, cad yellow light, ultramarine blue and white. This is not done, but it's close. I'll take another pass at it tomorrow after school. It's 12 x 16 on masonite, the colors are a bit wonky too as the lighting on the pic is low. I'll shoot a better pic when I'm done.


  1. That light really reads well on those apples. And the drapery folds are beautiful. Looks like you're putting some good direct brush strokes down on there, not necessarily combing it all around. Good job!

  2. Nice. I like how you dulled down the sheet.

  3. Thanks guys. My teacher wasn't so hot on the painting though, felt it was too trompe-l'oeil. I added the lettering on the lable and he went for that real quick. I felt my edges were better and the lettering, which I could see was painted but not so tight it could fool any eye. he also thought the sheet was also too bright and 6he folds too dominate.

    A failure :-(

    Painting bannanas this week so we'll see....
