Tuesday, March 25, 2008

lisa-3rd Session

yesterday was the 3rd session on painting our latest model, Lisa in my Life Painting class with Carolyn Pyfrom. I basically went back in and repainted on everything, adjusting the overall grouping of the tones so the figure doesn't have these sections of shapes strung together. Carolyn was very helpful in her crits and really gave me some good insights and I feel I'm clicking in her class more and more and getting what she is talking about. One more session on this Friday and then we have one last long painting to do and one outside assignment to do and then that's it....summer.


  1. Wow, better and better. And when i clicked on this, the file was much much larger than usual - bigger than my monitor. I don't know if it was deliberate, but Iloved seeing it super-large.

  2. wow mike that's freakin beautiful! i wish i could paint half as nice. =/

  3. It's difficult enough to draw the figure let alone the entire BG! Way to go, Mike!!!
