Monday, March 24, 2008

Male Sculpture

Today was the day I've been waiting for in sculpture class, the day when we really get to sculpt the standing model. Last week we built the armature, or rather I was able to save myself at little time by appropriating a cast off armature whaich I had to play Doc Frankenstien on. I made really fast progress today working from the live model, moving the modeling stand around as I modeled to catch different views I and went through a bag and a half of grey clay. My sculpture teacher was very complimentary on my progress. It felt great to slap that clay on there and mush it around...I can't wait till next week.


  1. Excellent for the first session. How long a sesson was it, i wonder. Love to see how this progresses.

  2. It was 90-minutes to 2 hours for the sculpting time, I wish I hand another 30 minutes as I could have gotten the legs done.
