Friday, June 20, 2008

Philadelphia Sketch Club Sequential Show

Last Sunday was the first Sequential show competition at the PSC. The Competition was open to all local cartoonist/illustrators and Rich Harrington who organized the show along with my buddy, Jamar Nicholas, put the word out through the grape vine and Craig's list. I was asked to juror the show. We had well over 30 entries from many local cartoonists in catagories from Comic book, comic strip, cover, pin-up and graphic novel. One of the great things about this was the fact I got to meet a lot of the local cartoonist and illustrators who love to cartoon living in the great Philly area I had never known about or met before. I am an unofficial member of the PCS, the Philly cartoonist Society headed by Jeff Kilpatrick, but it turns out there is another local group as well.

Man, there are a lot of cartoonists in Philly. The show was a success and so the hope is that next year we'll run the competition again and get a lot more entries. After the awards were given many of the cartoonist did what we love to do, we sat around and drew and had a few brews and rubbed kneaded erasers together and compared techniques. It was a fun event and I enjoyed getting to see and meet a lot of local artist, this is really the heart of what makes the PSC such a great organization and fun to be a part of.

Rich Harrington, your's truly and Jamar Nicholas

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