Thursday, June 19, 2008

No Heroes

I sad to have to pull out of attending the Heroes Con this year. A few things have popped up, the first main one being the stray cat, Scavee that I adopted when he walked into my house last Thanksgiving, was diagnosed with feline leukaemia yesterday. And I don't know what the final prognosis is for him yet as the vet is running more blood tests.

Add to that the fact I need to finish this issue of DRAW! for July release and I had two jobs suddenly come into the studio.

More later...


  1. So sorry to hear about the cat. Having pet become ill like that is not an easy thing to go through.

  2. I lost my beloved cat Scamp to feline leukemia last year and it was one of the worst things I had to go through. The diagnosis came right out of nowhere when we noticed she was having trouble breathing and the vet said her lungs had tumors. Rather than put her to sleep, we took her home so her last weeks were comfortable and filled with love. I miss her dearly.

    All my sympathies.

  3. Thanks for the kind words guys. Scavee is just anemic, so we hope once he gets his blood count back up he'll be doing better, and we can manage his illness so he can live to a decent old age. Sorry to hear about you kitty Sam, I know how hard it is to loose a pet, and a sick one too. I had a dog who had liver cancer back in the 80's, and it was a long sad summer for her and me. For me it's the quality of his life, if he were to go too far down, I would have to put him to sleep. It's the hard but moral obligation we assume as pet masters.
