Saturday, June 14, 2008

Quasar Issue 10-Final

Here are the final three pages from Issue 10. Man, what a lot of drawing that issue was, but it was also fun at the time.


  1. Mike,
    Thanks for posting the Quasar story! Now I want to go get the back issue! You don't still have the script or the plot do you? That would cool to have on hand as we review the pages. I may even blueline a few pages and take a stab at inking your pencils! I liked what you said earlier in this series of posts about your goal back then of attaining the skills to produce work on par with your silver age heroes. Even in this early work in your career I think you were pretty darn close if not on the mark.

    Will you be at Heroes Con? I saw you listed on a "State of the Industry" panel - Oh Boy, look out for "Babymen" in that audience! I'm on the fence about attending - me missus doesn't want to go so I'm hesitant to spend a wad on just myself.

    Have fun and maybe I'll catch you there!


  2. Jonathan, No, I don't have the scripts from back then, or the plots, I wish I did now as it would be fun to look at and compare.

    Unfortunately I will not be at Heroes con. I was planning to attend, but a sick cat and deadlines have suddenly come up this week.

    Have fun trying the blue-line inking. Maybe I'll see you in Baltimore.

  3. i like b&w drawings

    Black marker drawings on canvas
