Monday, January 26, 2009

Bad Peppers Composition

This painting I did this evening while watching the Simpsons, Family Guy, et. I hate the Family Guy by the way. Its for my figure comp class with Dough Martenson and the homework was to make a bad composition and paint it. So I plopped two peppers I bought at the store today down on the dinning room table and went at it. It's oil on MDF, about 9 x 12 I guess, it was on an odd sized small panel I had laying around. I used Liquin Detail as the medium so it would start tacking up right away.


  1. Nice work.

    Did he explain why he wanted bad compositions?

  2. Thanks Jesse, I think it's to better understand what a good composition is by way of doing one with glaring faults. I'll post what Doug says later tonight.

  3. "I hate the Family Guy by the way"

    That cracks me up. I always feel the same need to qualify having watched a few minutes of that terrible show.

  4. That's so good, Mike. The shine of the peppers really shows through. Can hardly wait to see more.

    Mike T.
