Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 3--Paint as fast as you can!

Today started the 3rd week of the semester at the Academy, and it was my second pass at painting with the model in this pose, we have one more pose Friday and then we start another pose, next time with two models. Doug also reviewed the paintings for the bad composition exercise and basically said I failed to make a bad composition with the painting of the peppers. maybe I'll do another one for next week and see it i can take the bad composition prize.

In Al's class we were right off into the deep end when the model(who was late) showed up. This is what I blocked in today with the model, I will have I think one more session next Monday and then we are done. So the basic drill is we have to move pretty fast and try and block in as much as possible in each class, in fcat I usually stay longer to try and block in the backgrounds/set-ups when I can.

here are a couple of shots of Al giving us our end of class crit where we push all of the paintings together to check out what everybody's done.

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