Saturday, January 31, 2009

End of Week 3

So this is where the session ended and it was teh end of the pose and the end of our 3rd week of the semester. next week we will be 1/4 the way through--and I can see that time is going to fly by fast. I will go back in a few days and touch up a few spots on this but basically she is done and we'll be moving on to the next pose on Monday, this time with two figures. I have been loving the liquin Detail medium and I have to say it really comes in handy at school in the battle ground of the classroom.


  1. not bad! what year are you at school ? that's a lot of background work in there too.. very good! -kw

  2. nice feel to the light--edges feel a bit hard here and there, but that's what happens on a long pose.

  3. Thanks Bill, that's one of the little things I want to go back on, adjusting things like the edges and drop some values here and there.

    Kevin, I am just starting my second year at PAFA.

  4. so nice and great sir.. pl contect me..on my blog...i am from india
