Saturday, February 07, 2009

Student Show--Figure Comp

Today in the uninstructed section of my figure Comp class I massed in the colors and tried to establish the mood of the painting. The canvas is big so I used my biggest brushes I spot and went at it.
Today was also the opening the annual student show which is open to all the students in the school, certificate students, MFA, MFA and Post Bac. I submitted my painting of my buddy Scott, and it made it into the show. Lots of people submit and fret over these shows. I guess it's part of the artists life, the stress, rush and worry. I had a painting that was accepted last year, but all of my drawings for the spring show last year were rejected, so that's the way it goes, one day they love you, the next, rejection. That's part of being an artist and entering competitions.

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