Monday, February 09, 2009

Week 5

I'm off to another rip, roaring week here in the studio and at school. This begins the 5th week and a new pose in Life painting with Al Gury, so we had a new model, Mark, who's also posing in my Figure Comp class, so I was painting him twice today.

As with each new pose in Al's class, we start out with some sketches, then a small study and then we go up to the bigger painting. So I did a few rough sketches and then chose the composition I wanted and did this small oil on paper study using the biggest brush I could use, which was a flat. the study is on a 5 x 7 piece of Strathmore sketchbook paper. Value, shape and temperature is what I am seeking here. The trick is to keep this in the bigger painting.

I'm also knee deep in comics stuff, the Martians book and some Secret Saturdays shorts for DC's Action pack. As a result of such a full schedule I was forced to skip the NYC show this last weekend, and I see that the spring is going to zoom by.


  1. Hey Mike,

    This painting is going to be really good. If you maintain what you have in your study, the big picture is going to have a wonderful glow and strong sense of light. I hope that you continue to post the different stage of it.

    Al is a great teacher for capturing those rich glowing colors.

  2. This study is gorgeous. Probably one of my favourite paintings you have done. I think you should keep your final painting loose with those broad strokes. But what the hell do I know, right? Beautiful.

  3. I agree with your friends. I love the loose nature of this and the breaking down of shapes of color and light. It feels like it's more about painting than trying to get something just right. I think you've captured more here than I've seen in recent weeks, and I know you've put less time into this than some of them. Not that I don't love them too, I just believe that this is hitting on something you've told us you're looking for. I like where it's going and feel this is almost finished the way it is.

    Perhaps you should use a 3" brush for the big painting!


    Nice job!

