Saturday, March 21, 2009


Last night was the annual PAFA Draw-A-Thon, the all night, or 7pm to 7 am drawing marathon-pizza-bash-shin-dig at the HLB, or the Historic landmark Build, IE, the old school. I was one of the student organizers this year and helped set-up and run/monitor one of the studios. It's always a great bit of fun drawing or painting all night and we had a blast, at least in our studio we did. I got two painting worked on, the first is the above long pose painting and the second is the much quicker 90 minute study done below. The core of the Dirty palette Club was there and we had a great time. i stayed all night though most students gave up the ghost about 3. I am used to pulling all-nighters from my years grinding in the salt mines of comics.

Pizza was delivered twice and coffee flowed all night. The Donuts were delivered in the morning for the survivors by Anne and Justin. All in all it was a great time and thanks to the school for doing this every spring. I look forward to next year's all night drawing party.


  1. Hey Mike,
    Everything seems to work in the first one. Good composition, good drawing, good color harmony and I think it could be your best figure painting so far. Congrats! What size are these? The second (90min.) is also very good. I like how you used the door and shapes in this composition.

    Looks like a good time was had by all. Hope the other members of Dirty Palette Club post their efforts. The DRAW - A - THON is a great idea.

  2. Hey, just stumbled across the website. I like the first painting as well. I just wanted to make a friendly critical comment-- If you squint your eyes at it, you see mostly the same value aside from a couple little dark shapes. I think it would really help the painting to re-vamp the value structure.

    So for example, what I'm saying is, on the right figure, the ground is a similar value as the figure is a similar value as the wall behind him. And were it not for the way you've used color to separate those things it would be a boring painting.

    I like the composition as as well you used alot vertical lines to create repitition along with the more organic shapes of the models and drapery (repitition + variety=sweet painting)
