Friday, March 20, 2009

Marvel U handbook Pencils and Inks

A little while ago I penciled this cover for one of Twomorrow's Publishing upcoming books, a field guide to the marvel Universe. And since it was covering the classic Silverage Marvel years John Morrow and I though it would be awesome to get Tom Palmer to ink the cover. I've known Tom for many years, and he is not only one of the best inker/artists ever in the biz, but he's is one of the nicest men I have ever met in comics. I know, it's a bit cliche to say that, but Tom is really a great guy, very much they type of person you'd hope he would be when you meet him. I worked with Tom before on Spirits of Vengeance, and even got him to ink a few pages on Darkhawk once, so this is pure heaven for me. It makes me feel like a REAL comic artist when I get one of my art heroes to work with me. Tom's inks are above and my pencils below.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    I've become a fan of Palmer myself. Last fall I'd rewarded myself by grabbing some collectible copies of the famous old run of X-Men issues (56-63,65) from 1969 by Roy Thomas (writer) Neal Adams (penciller) and Tom Pamler (inker). Of all the folks who were inking Adams at Marvel and DC at that time, Tom Palmer had the most crisp detail and elegant flourish. This was a great coup considering Neal Adams, by comparison, inks his own work incredibly well and Mr. Palmer even gives him a run for his money. Kudos to Palmer's work on your cover.
