Saturday, May 23, 2009

Claire's Room

This is a quick little painting I shot out today 12 x 8 on MDF in oil. While I am working on other things art wise and on bigger paintings I still want to do smaller studies and paintings. one of my goals is to try and do at least 20 paintings over the summer. Doing smaller paintings also helps keep me loose and focusing on the bigger shapes.

This is a painting of my friend Claire who's bunking in my spare bedroom over the summer, she was sitting writing a letter and the light coming into the room made it really appealing to try and capture. My dog Shazam also decided she wanted to be in the picture and the contrast on her vs the light on Claire was fun to try and capture.


  1. I like the the composition made by all of the door frames, looks like you may live in an older house like I do...doors everywhere ;)
    So does MDF come in thin masonite thicknesses of 1/8 or 1/4 inch? I've only ever seen the thicker MDF board.

  2. Mike, I do live in an old house, it was built in 1923.

    Yes, MDF comes thinner , this painting in on 1/8th inch I think. I get a bunch at Home Depot and have them cut it right there.

  3. so is MDF better than masonite? I guess it would be like untempered masonite, I should look into it.

  4. Better, I don't know. The thing is what works for one painter is a hassle for the other. i think painters can sometimes get so picky and into doing things a certain way, always involved with mediums and certain surfaces that it seems too much for me.

    I liked the MDF because it's sturdy, doesn't warp. I sand it, put 3-4-5 coats of gesso on it=bang-ready to go.

    I have painted on masonite too, but it seemed slicker and less durable, in the end the only way to know what works for you is to try it. I just bought a Dick Blick prepared panel to try out as Blevins uses them and said they are good. I figure if I find something that works, takes less time to prepare, is archival then I can get to doing the painting faster.
