Thursday, May 21, 2009

Final Commute

Well here is the finished commuter painting I've been working on for over the last week or so. It's not the best photo, there is too much glare, so i will try and shoot it again later and see if the glare dies down. I'll also let it sit a few days and then see if there is anything that starts to bug me. I already have to ideas for the next two paintings in the series which I'll start in the next few days. This is by far the most complicated painting I have ever attempted and there were many issues working from the photos I took on the train. For instance I had to add the woman on the bottom left as i didn't have a complete picture of her and some info was just too over exposed or fuzzy, but in a way that also helped me to be too tight. This is still fairly tight but I wanted it to loosen up as we receded further into the car. I also added the city outside as I feel that really helps make this piece. the pictures I took with my cell phone were while we were still underground so there wasn't anything to really see. By adding the city I feel it opens the painting up and gives it atmosphere and more motion as well.


  1. I love it! It really came together well. What size is it again?

  2. WOW that is amazing!

  3. Thanks everyone, it was to date my most ambitious painting. Carol, it's 24 x 30, I have some smaller ones planned and an even bigger one too.

  4. Wow. It's really been amazing to see this come together from your previous posts. I like the one commuter reading Maus, a nice touch.

  5. Thanks Sam, seeing the gal reading Maus made me pull my camera out and start shooting it's good to always be looking and seeing around us--1000 pictures I bet every day.

    Congrats on graduating Moore!
