Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Commuters

This weekend I got to finish a painting and start two new ones, one of which is a commission. I finished up the painting of my buddy Ricardo Villagran and will submit that to the school wide student show tomorrow. I started a painting of my friend Alina, which I will work on for one of my final paintings is school for Al Gury's portrait class. the painting of Ric will also count for a painting toward my finals and that leaves me only one more portrait to do. I am honestly looking forward to the break now to paint as much as I can and get some more paintings done on my commuter series so I can start approaching galleries. I'd love to do nudes, but in Philly that would be a waste of time gallery wise. I feel like I am finally back into my groove painting, I felt I was out of sync for a spell there.


  1. Beautiful, I love the second one. Altough you said it's not finished yet, I love it already. Looking forward to see how it will turn out. Glad you got your groove back, it is so much nicer to paint when you feel like it and feel like it's going the way you want it to

  2. Wow those both are great! I love your lighting.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I love the second one. I borrowed it to use on my blog for a post giving you credit for it at the bottom and the link to your blog. Please let me know if you would like me to take it down, but I loved the picture.
