Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Read a whole issue of Doll and Creature--for FREE!

A few years ago I worked on a really fun project called Doll and Creature with my buddies Rick Remender and John Heebink. They wrote and drew it and I inked it and I think it's one of the best, if maybe not the best inking job I have ever done. The book was originally a graphic novel that came out through Larry Young's company AT/Planet Lar, which Rick later got reprinted in color at Image as a 4-issue mini-series and then reprinted/collected as a graphic Novel.

Well now you can read one of teh entire issues online for FREE right here. I had a lot of fun on this series and hope that maybe someday we all can either revisit that dark zombie-like world of the future or work on another project again.


  1. That looks awesome. I am gonna order that trade. Thanks Mike for the heads up!

  2. That was an awesome read. I have the collection from my days running the comic shop.
