Sunday, November 08, 2009

Week 11 The Final Countdown Begins

The semester has turned the final corner with final crits basically a month away.This is what ened up on canvas the other day in Materials and Techniques class. The teacher Anthony didn't want me to do anything figurative, so I must have banged out at least 10 images that I ended up wiping out until only this ideas remained--basically because I wanted to leave class and not start over. This week we are supposed to paint over this as well as start yet another grisalle.
I was happy that my painting I did of the SEPTA commuters was accepted into the returning students show at school even though I am really pissed off about the SEPTA transit strike here in Philly. Now I have to drive in every day and fight the horrible traffic to go to school and to teach. Maybe I should do a painting of that!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that really turned out great Mike! Good on you.
