Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 11 The Final Countdown Continues

Well, this week certainly has flown by. Friday will be the 12 week in my Animal Drawing class and so that leaves me only 4 classes left there. The drawing below of Mr. Ed as I called him was finished up last Friday, i tried to work back in and even add more of the environment. the picture isn't the best I'll have to shoot a better one when I get the drawing home and set up the lights. The painting above was a quick in-class the other day as I sat in on Al's morning class at school, I grabbed a panel from the school art store and did this quick little study in a little over and hour plus. Oil, 9 x 12.
I did this painting today in media & methods class, Anthony had us do a quick I decided to whip out my iphone and grab one of the pics I snapped while riding the train into school. I dickered around with this a lot and tried to keep it fun and loose. I was looking a the huge Richard Diebenkorn we have in the school museum this afternoon. 18 x 24 in oil, next week we are supposed to glaze color into this...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,
    Nice work! The horse drawings are coming along quite nicely! Where are you going for the live models? Would love to see the syllabus for your animal drawing course - I have been trying to get a local equestrian art class off the ground. In fall 2010 Lexington hosts the World Equestrian Games - first time ever for this Olympic level competition to be hosted outside of Europe.
    J. Gilpin
