Saturday, January 23, 2010

Subterano Sue

This is the subterranean plein air that I did this afternoon with the women of the DPC in the same area that I painted in earlier in the week. It's interesting to keep exploring this area every week and seeing what strikes my eye. it was a lot warmer this week, though you still get cold after a while no matter what standing there. My friend Sue was sitting there drawing away and so I decided to do a painting that featured a human in it this time as a change. The sun did peak out but I decided to not try and chase it this week as I would just not have had enough time. 12 x 16 in oil on a re-primed canvas.


  1. Gorgeous work.The composition and values work beautifully together. Also you've done a fantastic job of aesthetically presenting subject matter which would probably go completely unnoticed by most people. You have a great eye. Well done!
