Friday, January 22, 2010

WEEK 1 Spring 2010

Today, or I should say yesterday ended my first week of the Spring semester at school. It was a pretty light week work wise. In my Escroche class we built our skeleton or supports to start sculpting next week. I did only one drawing in school and that was yesterday in my Life Drawing class with Sidney Goodman. This was the first life drawing I've done in a long time, I have been mostly either been doing landscapes or painting figures. This was done pretty quick, about 90 minutes or so. I didn't know what we would be doing the first day so I just took a pad and some charcoal paper. I always feel a bit rusty in the am, but next week I'll take in a big sheet of Rives BFK and bust out the pastels as we have this pose for 2 more weeks. It felt good to be back in school and with the old gang again, we hand out all the time anyway but the nice thing about school is you get that weekly progress. if things go well by mid-week next week I should have some pretty exciting news in regards to my painting.


  1. Wow, I wish I were that "rusty" at any time of the day. I look forward to seeing your future projects of the semester.

    By the way, what's the scale of this one?

  2. Thanks Nazario,, this was on the standard 18 x 22 Strathmore pad in using some vine charcoal and Generals charcoal pencils, soft to hard.
