Monday, January 18, 2010

Subterano-Week 1 Spring

Though today is the MLK holiday I meet up with a few of my Dirty Palette Club buddies and hit the grimy tunnels under city hall in Philly to do some more subterano plein air paintings. It was about 30+ degrees warmer this time than the last time we painted--thank god. Last time I nearly froze my feet off by the end of our paint-out.

We set up just down the tunnel from our last spot and went to work quickly as the sun changes fast time of year and fades quickly. Once i choose my spot I did a fast drawing to block in and get the shapes good and then took a few minutes to set up my paints.
I had forgotten my palette so I borrowed a canvas from my buddy Joel and set out my paints and used that as my palette. I know experience that the palette I set will be pretty non-chromatic, lost of cool to warm grays going into cool blues. This is very much the Philly palette and sometimes I add a cool red or yellow as well. I know many people are funny about their paints, very choosey, but I am not that choosey yet and I basically buy sales when I can to keep costs down. I do love Williamsburg paints, but I also love Dick Blick's store brand for many colors as well.
Here I am painting away...
Here is my rig with my painting underway. i took a couple breaks to walk into the station to hit the restroom and warm my feet and that gave me a chance to take a break and come back with a fresh eye.
Here is the final pick 9 x 12 on a re-primed canvas over an old painting I sanded off. School starts full bore this week and I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Bravissimo Michael!
    I like too your urban-countryside
    Sorry for my English
