Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Robin Hood

I know it seems like I've been doing nothing but painting lately, and I have been doing a lot, but I also have other irons in the fire and one of them is a a cover painting. Here is the rough for the cover of a book on the young Robin Hood that I have been commissioned to do. My friend Will Sentman posed for me, Will had a lot of the costume already, including a bow, though his bow was a modern compound bow. Anyway I snapped a bunch of pictures and the did this drawing in pencil on tracing paper. Now that it's approved I'll move to the next stage which will be to transfer it to the illustration board and finish it in oil. As I move along I'll post the stages of the piece.


  1. Wow. That looks great as it is! It just shows me how much I have to improve!

  2. Mike - really looking forward to what you do with this. I've been following your blog for awhile now and love the concentration on oil painting. I'm a bit of a Wyeth head so your Robin Hood really excites me!



  3. really nice drawing but he is holding the bowstring kinda strangely...

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What a nice draw! I really enjoy this kind of artwork. Thanks for share it and appreciate to talk about Generic Viagra . And also, I hope to make it someday.
