Thursday, April 08, 2010

Week 11 Spring 2010

the great little portrait of me was done this morning by Al Gury, the head of the painting dept at PAFA. I sat for Al's portrait class so he could do a demo for the first year students. Al is great at being able to do these fast-fun and juicy little portraits. And he was kind enough to give it to me as a gift!
Here is another step in the painting I had going on in Al's life painting, I'll get a chance to finish this up soon.
This is the last painting we have going in Al's life painting class, I have 3 many 4 more weeks on this so i'll likely finish it up and even start another one. This is on an oil primes surface over an old painting which somebody abandoned and I sanded it down and covered it with oil primer so the surface has a slickness but lots of texture which is interesting. Monday is the studio evaluation for our fall studios, i have my two paintings and a drawing picked out and already filled out and dropped off my application. I will be happy the semester is over so I can get into my new studio at school over the summer and do lots of painting.

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