Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 12 Spring 2010

This week all 3rd year students had to put in one drawing and two oil paintings in application for their studio, along with a written request explaining what type of studio you'd like and why. The drawing above was done in Al Gury's Life Drawing class that I have on Thursday and it was the drawing I submitted along with the painting of my friend Alina and one of my Super Sad paintings.The drawing above is in charcoal on Rives BFK.

In my Escroche class we are slowly working our way along the figure week by week. I doubt we'll get a chance to even really begin to finish the figure but I will try and finish it up over the summer.
This painting I am moving along pretty fast on, I think I might be finished with it in the next week or so and then I might have some time to do another quick one before the class ends.

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