Sunday, May 23, 2010

1 Million Hits!

I just noted that I passed my millionth hit on my blog sometime this!! I know many site, like porn and news sites do that in a day probably--but my little blog is all grown up now. hurray for me!


  1. Good for you! I came here to check out the new Judge Parker artist (good work on that BTW) and am finding the posts beyond JP interesting.


  2. Whoot Whoot! Congrats, Mike!

    More JP inside info, please. BTW, your painting below of the Delaware River, frickin' rocks! I'd buy it.

  3. Congratulations for your one millionth hit! And thank you so much for sharing your valuable knowledge with your readers. I love the way you explain and show how you do some of your pieces step by step, and how you're very clear, so reading your posts often feels like going to class. Not only are you a great artist but also a great teacher.

    Here's to a million more hits!

  4. Mr. Manley,

    Congratulations on the 1 million hits on your blog.

    Also, I want you to know that your work on Judge Parker is coming along very nicely. Actually, more than "nicely". You doing a great job! Because I am in the newspaper business and we get advances of the Judge (since we run it), I can see that you doing a damn fine job now that you are a few months into it. GREAT attention to detail and realism.
