Thursday, May 27, 2010

Interiors Workshop

This week i am taking a one-week intensive workshop painting Interiors with Peter Van Dyke at school. I needed an extra painting credit and I had hear a lot of good things about this class from fellow students so i decided to sign up. So far its been quite enjoyable and I did this little painting. It's basically done except for maybe a few touches and then I'll move onto another painting tomorrow. The class runs till Saturday and when I'm done I'll go into more detail about the class and Peter's thoughts on painting.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Mike.

    You should check out the work of Jennifer O'Connell. She paints really excellent interiors:

    First saw her work in a Cape Cod gallery last summer, and I REALLY REALLY regret not purchasing one at the time. Hope you enjoy her site--I find her work very inspirational, which is interesting, considering the mundane subject matter,
