Friday, August 06, 2010

Burger Girl

Here are two designs I did earlier in the year for a restaruant somewhere down south, they were looking for designs featuring a gal holding a burger and wanted a urban-hipster/pin-up feel with a animation feel to it. They didn't pick my designs, but they paid--which is great. So often its hard to get at exactly what a client wants, they can't quite describe what they want and soooo often use contradictory terms when trying to explain what it is they are looking for. But that's commercial art.....


  1. Nice designs! Clean and sexy.

    Just wanted to say I love your stuff and thanks to your tips in DRAW! from your coloring comics in PS I have gotten alot better!

  2. That's the most athletic waitress I've ever seen. Look at the size of those calves! I wouldn't want to be kicked by her!

    Any plans for her?

  3. I'm always curious to see what they picked instead of my stuff when this happens to me...

    50/50 on if it was better than I came up with, but hey! What a client likes is always up for grabs...

