Thursday, August 05, 2010

Super Sad Study

I jumped back into this painting after nearly a year off. I initially started this from life, working from the model in my living room. Luckily I snapped plenty of pics to use later as I am no longer able to work with the model, which is a shame. Its interesting to revisit something like this after a long time, not only has the idea of what this would become change but I've changed or grown as a paint a lot in that year. The background is completely made up. I'll let this set up for a day or two and the go back into it.


  1. Hi Mike,
    Curious, do you have models for the Super Sad studies or do you construct them without using a model.

    Glad to see you have returned to your Commuter series. Some very good work.

    Looking forward to your fall semester in the newly assigned studio.

  2. William, I do have models for these, i prefer to work from life, or to start from life--work from photos and go back to life if i have the chance--I seem to end up mixing that with photos I shoot of the models.

    I always bracket my shots and shoot several to get coverage.

    yes, the commuter paintings are back in full swing, I hope to finish another by early next week, then I'll be painting out west for a spell...
