Sunday, March 13, 2011

Judge Parker

The Judge has made his decision--he's going with Connie!


    You're stumping me, Mike!
    She reminds me of someone, but for the life of me, I can't figure out who Candace is based on!


  2. Mike,

    I like the look you have been giving Judge Parker and the strip. It's very Neal Adams-like. But, in your own way. A good way. Nice!!

  3. Lud, I'll give you a hint, she was in a movie with Jack Nickelson.

    CC, Thanks, Adams was a big influence when I was a kid, so I think there is always some of him in my approach. This Sunday was inked by Mr. Blevins to help on the deadline.

  4. Very nice of Mr. Brett Blevins to do that. Now that you said that, I can see Mr. Blevins work.

    Both of you guys have an Al Williamson type look to your work. Very nice!!

  5. Mike,

    I just took a peek at the dailies a few weeks ahead (week of 3/28), the ones with Abbey and Sophie in the barn, discussing her problems and the kid in the band, Bad Acne. I must say, I really, really like the look of the strip and the way you are treating it. Abbey and Sophie look great! I work a paper that used to carry Ben Casey (yeah, I am dating myself) and I must say it reminds me of what Neal Adams did with the newspaper comic strip. I don't need to tell you that there is an "art" to drawing a realistic looking comic strip in a linear rectangle with two, three or four panels every day. Judge Parker is by far the best looking strip in our paper (sorry, Mr. Graham Nolan or Rex Morgan). Keep up the great work!!

  6. Thanks JB. Adams was a big influence as a kid but I think what you are seeing is more of a Stan Drake feel as he was a huge influence on Adams and myself. I have been looking at his Juliet Jones work a lot, and Leonard Starr as well.

    I am pushing myself as much as the deadlines allow!

  7. Yes, I definitely see Stan Drake's work in there too. And, some of Starr's Mary Perkins On Stage. Both of their attention to detail,realism, how they set up the "shot" in each frame and just all around sexiness of the characters, always made the strips jump out of the paper. Granted, they appeared much bigger, back then. Just know, it is very much appreciated by this fan, reader as well as "customer". Oh, and Happy Anniversary on your one year on Judge Parker!
