Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Today was the one year anniversary of my start on Judge Parker! It's been fun and a lot of hard work too because strips are a horse you can never really get off of, you might hop down for a minute, but you have to get back on and ride hard. This year of doing JP really gave me an even bigger appreciation of artist like Drake, Starr, Williamson , Robbins and Raymond and the amazing high quality of the work they produced under such hard deadlines. They are still my strip heroes and the mark i aim for ever strip I draw!


  1. It's been a year already?! Wow! Time flies by fast these days...

    Happy Anniversary, Mike!
    Looking forward to the next year,


    P.S.: Connie's not Gwyneth Paltrow, is she?

  2. Thanks Lud! No, it's not Paltrow...

  3. Happy Anniversary, Mike!
    Really enjoy your work and this great blog!
