Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break-Week 7 Drawathon

The first week after Spring Break raced by so fast, it seemed to just evaporate. Maybe between the terrible news of the Japanese disaster and the freelance work it seemed every day was just chocked full.

We also had our annual Drawathon at school tonight, Unlike previous years I did not work the event and monitor a room or set-up nor did I stay the whole night. This time I brought along my long time friend and maetsro, Ricardo Villagran. Ricardo enjoyed himself and did several awesome sketches in the Cast Hall.
I spent only about maybe an hour or so painting as I ended up talking and seeing some friends I hadn't seen in a while. I was also not that crazy about the poses going this year.This is another of my paintings on cardboard which was done in Michael Gallagher's class, this one isn't really finished. I would repaint into it every week.

The Cast Hall in the HLB always looks great at night.
Pizza was provided as well as other snacks to keep the late night drawing and painting going.

One of the drawings Ricardo did of the casts.

My oil sketch.

This is one of the homework assignments for the Drawing class I have with Mike Gallagher and this weeks topic was a list of words which we could choose several to work with or from. i wonder if anyone can choose the words I used? We have also been looking as a lot of modern art--which is really not my favorite subject for the most part and specifically a lot of alternative or collage artists, I did this assignment and the one below on spirituality.

In Alex Kanevsky's class I am working away on this smaller painting which is on MDF. Alex wanted me to go back and use regular oils and a fuller palette on this painting. I am enjoying the class when i get to see Alex, unfortunately one of the drawbacks to a popular teacher and the BFA being added at PAFA is classes with too many students--the overcrowding really is a pain in the ass for me sometimes. There shouldn't be more than 12 students ideally, this way the teacher would have ample time to visit you more than once per class. I always grab the teacher once or twice again anyway--I make sure I get my $$$ worth.

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