Sunday, July 31, 2011

Judge Parker

Sam is anxious to get back home...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Week Intensive Comic Book Workshop at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Last week I had a great time teaching a one-week intensive comic book class at PAFA. I had a great class of talented and eager young cartoonists who came in every day ready to learn and work. This always makes the class fun for me because there is nothing better for a teacher than to have eager students who like to draw! They also were a talented group of budding artists...who know, maybe some of them will be the next hot cartoonist or animator in 5-10 years?

As a reward for all of their hard work I drew a sketch for each of them the last day of class featuring any character they wanted. Next month I teach another class in the art camp they have at PAFA.

Judge Parker

The judge's New York adventure winds down and Constance gets her promotion in the wake of her quick thinking and actions in her publisher's death. I will miss drawing these characters when we move onto the next story...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Judge Parker

The rooftop drama is over...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Judge Parker

It this the end of Judge Parker?

Monday, July 04, 2011

Superman-Batman layouts

Here are several pages of layouts I did last year for Jerry Ordway on Superman/Batman Worship to help with the old deadline doom.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Judge Parker

Is she going to take the judge's hand and climb off the edge....