Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Week Intensive Comic Book Workshop at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Last week I had a great time teaching a one-week intensive comic book class at PAFA. I had a great class of talented and eager young cartoonists who came in every day ready to learn and work. This always makes the class fun for me because there is nothing better for a teacher than to have eager students who like to draw! They also were a talented group of budding artists...who know, maybe some of them will be the next hot cartoonist or animator in 5-10 years?

As a reward for all of their hard work I drew a sketch for each of them the last day of class featuring any character they wanted. Next month I teach another class in the art camp they have at PAFA.

1 comment:

  1. Great! =D I'm not a kid and I'm not from Pennsylvania but please teach people in Brazil too! It would be nice =)
