Sunday, July 24, 2011

Judge Parker

The judge's New York adventure winds down and Constance gets her promotion in the wake of her quick thinking and actions in her publisher's death. I will miss drawing these characters when we move onto the next story...


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

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  2. This was certainly a great job involving the Judge, who I'm glad to see is getting some attention these days...

    BTW, I think I've figured out who you modeled Candace after... a young Faye Dunaway, right?


  3. Thanks Lud, I'm glad the last story was a big change and it was great drawing the Judge and using my buddy Jamar as the model for Angel. The model I used to base Connie on was a young Carol Kane. Woody suggested her as the actress to use.the next story I think will have more international intrigue.

  4. Mike,

    Just curious how long it takes you from getting a script from Woody Wilson, to pencils to inks to do a week's worth of dailies? Or one Sunday? And, do you try to be six to eight weeks ahead on both, dailies and Sundays?

  5. We run 4 weeks ahead min on dailies and 8 on the Sundays and could be even farther ahead...Frank Robbins was something like half a year ahead.

  6. LOL. Thanks for the answer, Mike. One follow up, do you find it hard to be way ahead on the Sundays and not in sync with the dailies. Or does Woody lay out the whole storyline, so you have a good understanding who is what and what is going on? So, then it doesn't really matter. Obviously, the Sundays only kind of barely advance the storyline, because some papers don't carry the daily and Sunday, and therefore Monday is used as a "catch up". Right?

  7. J, no it's not hard at all, I read it all and just draw away. Some places don't carry the Sunday so Monday is a sort of catch-up, but the strips are on-line now so if anyone really wants to see it they can.

  8. Love the way you drew Abbey Spencer in today's strip (July 29th). :)
