Monday, October 27, 2014


 I decided to try the inktober challenge this year, and with a week left I think it will be inkvember before I get 30 done. Its a lot of fun and its also great to see what other artists are doing. here are three of my drawings so far and you can see the rest over on my tumbler.
 I've had a great response to these piece s so far, and many people have wanted to buy them so maybe I'll fins a way to do a book or something down the road. What I enjoy is working fast and free with ink, using pen and ink, but also sponges, tooth brushes, beat up brushes, foam brushes and even a bamboo pen, all kinds of things to make marks with. Ink is certainly the medium I have had the most experience with besides a pencil going all the way back to my early teens when I started trying to do pen and ink drawings.


  1. Hi - Great drawings.. I'n on a daily "mission" on learning to draw, and just started with doing ink-drawings. It's great fun, although i find it rather difficult to control.

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