Monday, October 27, 2014

Judge Parker Process

Here is the latest Sunday I finished for Judge Parker showing the arrival of Godiva at the airport. These types of Sunday strips make me really wish for the old days where the strips were bigger and the originals were as well, especially with the second panel on the second tier.

I inked this week all with Pitt pens as I was rushing the deadline. I'll be working on 2015 strips in about 10 days and that will start me on my 6th year on the strip--how time flies, yet its funny I've yet to draw the JP clan in any holiday celebration---though I have drawn a X-mas strip every year featuring our soldiers and those who serve.

In other comic related news I am doing two issues of something for DC( pencils and inks) that I can't announce yet, but it should be fun! I might even have some other comic related news to announce soon.

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