Sunday, October 02, 2016

Inktober 2016

I am participating in the annual Inktober daily drawing challenge that was started by Jake Parker. I did some  drawings last year as well, but hope to be able to do a lot more this year as I do them anyway as you can see by my previous post. Here are the first two drawings for this year and my third drawing is done and my fourth one doodled out.

For me playing around in ink is great fun and very relaxing as ink was my first serious medium as a teen wanting to be a cartoonist.

People always ask where ideas come from and they just roll out of my head. I can think of a zillion things to draw all the time. My brain is an image machine, its always on. So taking a pencil I just swoosh around on a page till I get something I like. Its total freedom, art without any demands from a client or a deadline---the best kind of drawing!


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