Saturday, September 24, 2016

Wind Downs

In the evenings after toiling a long day at the drawing board on the comic strips I will ease up or wind down sometimes by--more drawing. I know, for some relaxing might be taking a long walk (which I also do) but I find doing these "Wind Down" drawings like un-clenching a fist, letting my imagination run free unshackled by any continuity demands. I never know what I will draw as I doodle away, sometimes I keep what I put down, sometimes I don't. If I like it, I ink it up. I post these on my Facebook and Instagram and people really seem to love them. I do to and plan on publishing a book of these drawing in 2017. I love the great pen and ink artists of the past century, Booth, Gibson, Joseph Clement Coll, Kley and Stoops to name just a few.

Why Mermaids and Astronauts? Why not!