It was a fun group of students to share the evening with drawing, and we had excellent models, the whole thing was a lot more relaxed than the day classes and I think that helped everyone have more fun.
I look forward to the next semester's drawing sessions...
crazy good
I like your last Wedesdays effort.I was wondering if you have recently been studying are reading Hopper. The open studio piece has some very Hopper like elements. The figure most definitely, the tone,contrast,colors and picture on canvas to the left. Homage?
Thanks Josh
William, yes, Hopper is one of my favorite painters and there was a certain melancholy feeling maybe came from the mood of the room, the light, the models face with is beautiful, yet a bit sad looking.
That isolated feeling Hoppers figures have I guess was very similar to this pose.
The light and shade on the model is brilliantly done. The colours and flesh tones remind me of Hopper too; and yes I guess the isolation and mood of sadness.
good one. love the texture, colors and composition.
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