This was the last full Wednesday class, next week is our class critique, so it was the last full class with Scott Noel, and this was the drawing i started in the class. I missed last week due to the holiday, and having oh so many things to do like cook and clean. Scott is the man, no doubt, I have learned so much from having him as a teacher and I dare say now as a friend, he's such a sharing person, a hard task master and demanding master. Time in his Dojo in the cast hall is always well spent. I can't grab the pebble from his hand, but I am far closer to being the type of artist i want to be because of him.

This is the second pass on the Grisaille still life in acrylic I am doing in Mike Gallagher's class. I have one more time at it--tomorrow in the uninstructed class, then I am done with all my classes except for my painting class with Al Gury on Monday. Mike is really a great teacher and I wish I could have him again next semester, but his classes booked up, but maybe in the fall I can take his advanced still life class.
I think I made the most progress in this class this semester, and I have been able to take what I've learned here and apply it to my other classes. Mike suggested I try acrylics this time and it's been tricky learning with them, they dry so much faster, but- hey, everything has a learning curve.
Nice Mike, I didn't get to see that top one and I totally dig it.
Thanks Dave, I was a bit sleepy to start and wish I had more time as always. bit I like parts for such a quickie :-0
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