Sunday, March 22, 2009

Marvel U Cover Color

Here is the final color version of the Marvel U handbook for Twomorrow's Publishing.
This was a fun cover to do mainly because I got Tom Palmer to ink it.


Michael Dooney said...

nice, now get started on the DCU cover!

Carlos Alburqueque 'Calbur' said...

Nice work, One day I'd like to do art comics like you. I invite you to see my sketch, and feel free on leaving your critiques. Actually I'm studyng human figure at School or art in Md.
A big hug and congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mike my name is Thomas Maddux i am a huge FAN of your Comic Art. I have collected almost all the comics you contributed to. I was wondering / hoping to see if you had any darkhawk work for sale or did any Commissions. i would love to hear from you

Lorenzo F. Díaz said...

Greetings from a spanish fan.

Please, can you tell what is the box in the desk. I can't identify nor remember it from any Marvel comic.

Thanks from the heart.
