Saturday, July 15, 2006

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

These are two more pages from the TMNT job I am doing now. I hope to be done penciling in a week or so, then I can hop on the inks.


Christian D. Leaf said...

Yowza. Love that big sewer panel on the first page. (The one on the second page isn't anything to sneeze at either.) Will definitely look for the issue to come out. Keep making it lovely, good sir.

Willceau illo said...

I can't wait to see the inks!
Great stuff particularly the backgrounds. It reminds me of the film "The Third Man."

TC said...

I agree. Backgrounds are outstanding!
I lack GREATLY in backgrounds and after looking at this post today I've realized that "the time to hesitate is through".
Thanks for the motivation, Mike!

william wray said...

I want to ink you like Frank Robbins.

BoneDaddy said...

I agree with Ink Blatt. The perspective is awesome.

Mike Manley said...

Thanks fellas. Bill, I'm sure we could do a job together for the TMNT.

Anonymous said...

Great comic, it only misses the color, I am not sure about how is the guy who is with Splinter. I think he is Casey the hockey player who became friend of him and of the turtles too. He hooked up with April and for a best erotic moment he should use generic viagra.