A quick snap-shot of my desk while I was working on a rush job. I got a job through my pal Dan Panosian to do a series of game figures based on the Teen Titans. This meant I had to do 3 views, font, backa and side for each character. The job came into my studio about 5:30 and was due by noon the next day. So it was a late nite, early morning to get them done.
You can see the final images HERE: 1
2 3 4 5.
Nice! Things always get done in that magical 13th hour... You are the chameleon of style, Mike. What kind of game figures are these?
Thanks Roque, It's more like the 25th hour sometimes. I was told they are for a board game of some sort. So I suppose kids pick their favorite Titan and roll dice.
Being a chameleon has always served my bank account well, even if I don't always enjoy the assignment as much. In the animation biz I find that flexibility has allowed me to take a lot of different jobs on different shows. But in the end style is a shirt you just pull over solid drawing/form. Surface details or styles then are not so hard to switch.
I find most animation in America stems from 2-3 root styles anyway. Disney, UPA or Warners. It's something I stress to my students.
It's probably also because I have watched so many cartoons since I was a kid. The hours and hours of Chuck Jones/H &B cartoons I absorbed as a kid are all still stored in my mental hard drive.
Awesome insight! You should write a magazine. Oh wait...
art is my everything! how did you become a professional so young? great work on the cartooning!
Clate, it took me many years of trying to break in before I did, about 10 to be exact.
just keep trying and working hard and never give up.
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