Here is the next in the series of faux "New Yorker style" direct mail post cards I've been illustrating for Lunchbox, the local ad agency here in Philly. This was drawn traditional, in pencil, scanned in and tweaked in and colored in Photoshop. I used a dry media brush and then tweaked it with the blur filter.
Its awesome to find your blog, Its very informative.Your pencil speaks a thousand words in every stroke.The illustration as well as anatomy or even story board are really superb. If you will start a tutorial or tips or trick session on storyboard then it will be helpful to guys like us, who dont have assess to Classes. Dont reveal the trade secret which is your bread and butter but why not have some basics flow from the hand of professional like you. Hope you dont mind, its just a request, rest is the master.
That looks great! You say "New Yorker style", I say it's perfect for a Playboy gag cartoon.
So what output will these have? Anything we'll see around town?
Abhinab, You can get most of the tech side of things I discuss here in DRAW! Magazine, which you can now order as PDF's from the Twomorrows web store. the Best of Draw! Volume II has a whole chapter on storyboarding basics called storyboarding 101.
Thanks Don, I admit, I'm ore of a Playboy cartoonist than a New Yorker one :-)
Marc, these are going to be direct mail postcards, I think they are aimed at doctors offices
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